TEXT: 1 Corinthians 11:23-31
The students will be able to relate what occurred at the first Lord's Supper and will be able to explain why we should follow this example.
Introduction: Use the idea suggesting that you bring a family photo album to class. Discuss what a remembrance is.
Progression of Events:
- Jesus gave His disciples bread, in remembrance of His broken body.
- He took the cup, and gave to the disciples to drink in remembrance of His Blood.
- He explained that this bread and the cup should only be taken by those who are right with God.
- We are instructed to examine our own life to be sure we are worthy to have part in this.
Climax: Jesus established this custom with the thought that it would be repeated in memory of Him until He returns.
Conclusion: This is a special and important part of our Christian life.
Response: Your class should be able to retell what occurred at the first Lord's Supper, and explain why it is important for Christians to follow His example.
Jesus instituted the communion service on the eve of His death while He and His disciples were observing the Jewish feast of Passover.
God had commanded the Jews to observe the Passover each year to commemorate their deliverance from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 12:1-28). Jesus took the customs of the Passover and applied them to Himself, the true Passover Lamb, which takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
On the eve of their exodus from Egypt, the Jews were commanded to kill a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the door posts of their homes because the firstborn of every household was to die where no blood was found. Those who believed were allowed to substitute the life of a lamb for the life of their firstborn. After 430 years in Egypt, the whole nation of Israel was delivered in one day because of this great work of God (Exodus 12:40- 42). Some 1400 years later on the anniversary of that night, Christ took the unleavened bread, broke it and said, "This is my body." He took the cup and said, "This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:26-28). Through the death of Christ on the cross, which this last supper represents, a much greater and eternal deliverance was given to us by God.
- Bring some pictures of your family and of you when you were a baby. Tell the children that you take pictures to remember someone or some occasion. That is why we observe the Lord's Supper—so we will remember what Jesus did for us.
- Bring grape juice and unleavened bread to class just to show to the class. Explain what happened when the Lord served the disciples. Describe how our Lord's Supper service is like it.
- A picture of the Lord's Supper will help to set the scene. Ask the children if they can name the disciples. You could use this part for a statement and explanation, or question and answer time, using for example: Jesus took bread, gave thanks for it and broke it. Note that prayer was given, even by Jesus. Ask if anyone knows what the bread represents. Do the same with the cup. Explain that Jesus used this time to set an example for the disciples and us to follow. Be sure to mention the warning about being unworthy and the need for being saved before partaking of the Lord's Supper.
- Draw a large table on chalkboard or place on flannel board. Cut an equal number of loaves of bread and goblets from construction paper (see Patterns). Write questions on the loaves and answers on the goblets. Cut magnetic strips and place in appropriate places on the table. Also place a magnetic strip on the back of each of the loaves and goblets. To play the game, the child matches the items by placing the goblet with its corresponding loaf of bread. The people whose names appear in this game took part in the last days of Jesus' life on earth, but they were not all at the last supper with Him.
- Draw a large outline of the figure of Christ on a sheet of butcher paper. Let the students fill in the shape with large block letters spelling things that they remember about Jesus.
- Why did Jesus call His disciples together?
- What holiday were Jesus and His disciples celebrating?
- Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
- Did Jesus know that one would betray Him? If so, why?
- What did the bread symbolize?
- What did the cup of juice symbolize?
- What did Jesus say Peter would do?
- What are we to do in remembrance, and why should we partake of the Lord's Supper?
- Who said, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them"?
- Last Supper—Have a tablecloth and nice plates, cups, silverware, napkins, centerpiece (candles). This is to show that this was a special dinner for someone special (Jesus) who was going away. We give people who are going away something to remember us by. Jesus gave us the emblems as symbols of Himself. We would give our love, such as a kiss or a hug. It might be well to stress prayer before eating—"Thank You, Jesus."
Have a puppet show comparing the first Lord's Supper with how we observe it now.
Adapt the in-class activity using the places at the table for a departmental quiz, enlarging the background to an appropriate size.
Present an object lesson using a letter in an envelope. Discuss how, when we go away to camp or to visit someone, mother will say, "Don't forget to write!" You will write her because you love her and miss her. When Jesus went to Heaven, He asked His disciples to remember Him, not by writing letters but by observing the Lord's Supper together. We do it because we love Him and like to remember Him.
On a large flannel board, make a tic-tack-toe grid from felt strips. From felt scraps of two colors, cut five each of the goblet and loaf of bread shapes (see Patterns). Divide your group into two teams and give each group one set of markers. Take turns asking questions of each team. If the team is able to answer correctly, they may put one of their markers in the square of their choice. If they cannot answer, they miss that turn. Continue alternating teams until one team gets three markers in a row in any direction.
- A Night to Remember — Tape #146, Series 10, Your Story Hour, Inc.
- See Support Material for Unit 7.