TEXT: Matthew 5:1-12; Psalm 119:1-6
Jesus’ teachings to His disciples and the multitudes as found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7 are known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” The blessings He pronounced at the beginning of that message are called The Beatitudes, which means “perfect blessedness or happiness.”
- What is the meaning of the word blessed, as found in the Beatitudes?
- In reference to our key verse, there are four requirements in order to receive the promise that we shall be blessed in our doings. List these four requirements and briefly explain each.
- How many of the basic ingredients for happiness listed in Matthew 5:3-12 are necessary if we wish to follow Jesus and truly be His disciples?
- Listed below are eight basic ingredients Jesus gave for happiness. For each of these give a short definition of what you think is meant. In another column, list Jesus’ promise to those who exhibit that quality.
Quality Meaning Jesus’ Promise
The poor in spirit
They that mourn
The meek
They which hunger and thirst after righteousness
The merciful
The pure in heart
The peacemakers
The persecuted for righteousness’ sake