God’s Call to Service

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Search Unit 04 - God's Plan for Me

TEXT: 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Isaiah 6:1-8

When Samuel answered God’s call with those beautiful words, “Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth,” Samuel was commissioned to a life of service for God. Though still a youth, he had an ear to hear and a heart to do the bidding of the Lord. How wonderful if all would answer the call of God as readily as Samuel did, and with the same consecration and zeal in their response!


  1. What is one thing to which God calls every man? See 1 Timothy 2:4. Why is answering this call important in order to serve the Lord?
  2. Why was Samuel ministering unto the Lord before Eli? 1 Samuel 1:11,24-28
  3. According to Scripture, Eli had neglected to do what the Lord required of him (1 Samuel 2:27-35). How did his neglect tie in with God’s instructions for Samuel?
  4. Read 1 Samuel 3:15 and describe how Samuel responded to this opportunity for service.
  5. Why do you think God calls us to His service?
  6. What are some of the things God calls people to do? How do these calls come to us?
  7. Is there a progression in the calls the Lord gives us? How do we qualify for “bigger” jobs?
  8. How can we be sure that it is God who is calling us, not just our own ideas or inclinations that are influencing our decision regarding what the Lord wants us to do? See John 7:17 and 1 Corinthians 14:32.
  9. After God calls us to something, does He ever change His mind? See Romans 11:29.


Tract No. 19 — A Witness of the Power of God
