TEXT: Review Quarter Texts
The students will be able to summarize the main points of the lessons studied during this past quarter, forming an accurate picture of Christ’s life, His purpose and teachings.
In thinking of the life of Christ, we most often focus on the time that He spent here on earth as described in the four Gospels. Yet His full career spans the ages. Before the worlds were, Christ was, and all things were made by Him. By the incarnation, Jesus took upon Himself the human form in order to reveal God to man in a way mankind could grasp. He gave Himself for their redemption. With the successful completion of His work here on earth, He went to be with the Father in Heaven, where He remains, representing and making intercession for mankind before the Throne. This He will continue to do until His return to this earth to rule His millennial kingdom. At the ending of time on this old earth, the dead, small and great, will be judged, some to enter into everlasting life with Jesus Christ for all eternity, and the others to be separated from Him for time without end.
- In rehearsing the lesson on prophecy and fulfillment, how can we be assured that prophecies yet to be fulfilled will come to pass? See Luke 21:33 and 2 Timothy 3:16.
Response: In reading these Scripture references, the students will know that all Scripture is inspired by God, and that none of it will pass away. Just as past scriptural prophecies have been fulfilled, so will the prophecies in God’s Word that are meant for the future come to pass.
- Using Psalm 143:10 and Philippians 2:13 as references, is it difficult for a Christian to do God’s will? Support your answer.
Response: Your students may respond to this question in different ways. Some may say no. Others may say that it depends upon the circumstances. In reading Psalm 143:10 and Philippians 2:13, the point should be made that they do not do God’s will completely in their own strength, but they ask God to teach them. God, of course, does all things well. His teachings are the best. Someone has said, “It is not hard to keep a consecration to do God’s will if one really has made the consecration.”
- The good news of Jesus’ birth was made known to the shepherds by a heavenly host of angels. How is mankind today made knowledgeable of God’s love and plan of redemption?
Response: God knows the hearts of all men. He knew the shepherds were honest enough to believe the proclamation. Point out that God still looks for honest hearts today. The discussion should bring out that it was God’s love that revealed the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. God loves the honest hearted persons and will reveal His will to them.
- What qualities stand out in the example of the Wise Men in their search for Jesus? Describe why these same traits are valuable in a Christian’s life today.
Response: The students’ answers will vary, but emphasize that the Wise Men were observant, for they saw the star announcing Jesus’ birth; they were determined, for they traveled a long distance to see Him; they were spiritually-minded, for they worshiped Jesus and gave gifts to Him when they found Him. Bring out, through discussion, how these traits enhance a Christian’s life. An observant, determined, spiritually-minded person will not find it difficult to follow Jesus in this world.
- Simeon was rewarded for his faithfulness when he saw the promise of God fulfilled in the Christ Child. Noting Hebrews 10:23, what correlation can be found between holding “fast the profession of our faith without wavering,” and God being faithful to His promised return to earth?
Response: It is easy to have faith in the One who always keeps His promise. Discuss with your students the fact that God always brings to pass that which He has promised. When the element of faith is working in the believer’s life, he can be assured that he, too, will see the Savior.
- The heavenly Father spared His Son from the anger of Herod. In what ways is providential care extended to God’s children today? See Psalm 91.
Response: Using Psalm 91 as a basis for the answer, we can be sure that God takes good care of His people. An analysis of this Psalm shows that all circumstances of living are considered and provision is guaranteed. Have someone in the class read Psalm 103:2-6, then ask the students to decide if the Lord has omitted anything necessary to an overcoming spiritual life.
- In 2 Corinthians 13:14, each member of the Godhead has an attribute expressed. What are these attributes and how did the Apostle learn this truth?
Response: God’s love, Jesus Christ’s grace, and the Holy Spirit’s communion. With student participation, bring out that the Apostle Paul was a firm believer in the divine Trinity. How did Paul know about this important truth? Paul already believed in God, then he met Jesus on the Damascus Road. As he walked in the Light, he soon received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, becoming knowledgeable of the third Personality of the Godhead. Rehearse the fact that it is not necessary to know the depths of the wonderful mystery of the Godhead in order to be saved, but as we walk in the Light of His grace, more and more of this knowledge will be revealed to us.
- We learned in the study of overcoming temptation that everyone is tempted, and that temptations come from Satan. How can we be assured of victory over temptation? See James 4:7.
Response: Knowing that temptation is from the devil, the student can determine how to overcome temptation. In reading the verse in James, they can see that if they resist the devil, he will flee from them. Discuss with your class the importance of the first part of that verse, submitting themselves to God. In what way can they do this?
- Explain the difference between being alert to God’s call and answering His call. Give two reasons why answering God’s call is so important.
Response: To be alert to God’s call is to feel His presence prompting you to take action for the cause of Christ. This is good and necessary. But more important is the follow-through in answering God’s call. If we answer His call we will have the hope of eternal life and also be a light to others so that they can have that same hope. An everyday illustration of taking action over just being alert is the May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helen’s eruption in Washington State. Everyone on the mountain had been alerted to probable disaster, but those who died had obviously not followed through by taking action to the alert.
- Has God performed a miracle in your own life or on your behalf? If so, list briefly the steps that were taken by you or those involved to move the hand of God.
Response: Students should bring out a variety of personal experiences, or those of acquaintances. Help to develop the fact that Jesus still performs miracles today. It should be brought out that Jesus never performs a miracle to satisfy the curiosity of the unbeliever or the spectator. Faith and obedience are what God looks for when He works miracles in our lives today.
- In studying the Beatitudes we find the thought of happiness in each of them. How does a person obtain this happiness in his own life?
Response: In referring to James 1:25, we recognize that we must be doers of God’s Word, and not forgetful hearers. Ask your students what are some of the rewards promised to those who exhibit the quality of character and lifestyle described in the Beatitudes.
- After studying the parable of the sower and the seed, describe the kind of “soil” you yourself strive to be, and why.
Response: Most of your students will no doubt want to be “good ground.” Ask for volunteers to give their reasons why. Possibly the thought will be brought out that they want to be fruit bearing Christians to bring forth spiritual fruit for the Lord. Ask someone in the class to turn to John 15:1-11 and read some of the rewards promised to each person who brings forth fruit in his Christian life.
Make Bible Tic-Tac-Toe games for two teams. Under each spot on the grid write a question concerning one of the lessons. Cover the squares so the question cannot be read. Let one student from each team select a space. If he is able to correctly answer the question in that square, he may place his X or O on that spot.
Set up a contest matching key verses and texts. The contest can be between members of your class, or you might want to challenge another class. Write out two sets of cards (24 in each set) giving a text or Scripture reference on each card. See which team can match all 12 verses with their text references first.
Draw a simple game board for each student, showing a number of steps to a goal. Select several questions Have students take turns choosing a slip of paper. If they are able to answer the question, they move ahead one spot on the game board. First one to the goal wins.
Make a time-line of the major events of Jesus’ life on earth. Put each event on a separate card, and have your students help you arrange the cards in the proper sequence.