Quarter Review

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Search Unit 04 - God's Plan for Me

TEXT: Review Quarter Texts


The students will review the lessons of this quarter, and be able to explain that God has a plan for each individual’s life. They will also be able to detail the aspects of that plan which have been covered in this set of lessons.


The word plan has several meanings, and each one of them takes on a special significance when we consider the definition in correlation with God’s plan for our lives. Definition one brings out that it is “a method of proceeding developed in advance.” How wonderful to think that even before our birth, God had knowledge of us and a plan outlined for our lives! “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” we read in Psalm 37:23, and this verse supports the second dictionary definition, which is “a design or arrangement.” The events that come into our lives are not just random chance occurrences, but they are ordered and foreordained by God. The third definition is “a specific project or definite goal.” God’s plan for our lives certainly includes a definite goal! We are the “specific projects” of His hand, and His aim and desire is that each one of us spend eternity in Heaven with Him.


The Theme Thoughts for this quarter brought out that even though we may feel we are just one among the millions on earth, in God’s eyes we are important. He who notes the sparrow’s fall has a perfect and precisely-detailed plan for the life of each one of us. As we look through some important points from our lessons this quarter, let’s focus on how we can find that plan and then best follow it.

  1. To the Christian, prayer is a required form of communication with God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son, with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Having this knowledge, how should we approach God, and what can we expect to happen as we make our requests known?

    Responses: As your class discusses these questions, possibly some will say our approach should be with reverence, and with expectation or faith (Hebrews 11:6). They may also bring out that our prayers should always be submissive to the will of God. Prayer isn’t always just presenting a petition or begging God for some favor, but it is also a time to thank Him with honor and praise.
  2. God’s call to us regarding some specific service we are to do for Him may not come by dramatic revelation. We may even question whether it is really God calling us, or just our own ideas and inclinations pointing us in a certain direction. How can we be sure that what we perceive to be God’s call is really from Him? See John 7:17 and 1 Corinthians 14:32.

    Responses: Discussion should bring out that anything directive which we feel is from the Lord must, of course, line up with the teachings of His Word. Point out that God will often reveal His call to someone else also as a confirmation. If a person’s leading is in harmony with the Scriptures and the leading of those in spiritual authority over him, he can feel assured that God is indeed directing.
  3. In the Word of God we find that God has three initial experiences for the Christian. They are a foundation to prepare him for his walk of faith here on earth. Briefly explain each of these experiences and describe what they do in the life.

    Responses: Salvation brings the forgiveness of sin, removes the guilt, and makes one a new creature in Christ Jesus. See 1 John 1:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:17. Sanctification or heart purity is the result of a fully consecrated life, and removes the very root of sin from the nature. It is the experience that Jesus Himself prayed His followers would receive (John 17:17). The baptism of the Holy Ghost is the gift of power, which enables one to be a successful witness to the Gospel. See Acts 1:8.
  4. What are some of the benefits that will come to the individual who has consecrated himself to become a part of the Body of Christ? What are the benefits that will come to the Body of Christ as a whole when all the members are working together in unity of purpose?

    Responses: Some of the benefits to the individual will include: the blessing of God on his life, the privilege of being used by God, fellowship with other believers, deeper faith. The Body of Christ as a whole will be benefited by greater unity, a clearer witness to those outside of the Body of Christ, and increased progress in the work of the Lord. Help your group to discuss the personal responsibility of one who claims to be a part of this Body. They should recognize that just as blessings and benefits accrue to the individual or group that wholly consecrates to fit into God’s Church, the reverse may also be true.
  5. Why is it necessary to witness to others of Christ’s redeeming grace and win souls for the Kingdom? What are the benefits of taking this initiative? See Daniel 12:3, Matthew 16:27, and Mark 16:15.

    Responses: The students should come to the conclusion that soul-winning is not an option, but it is a direct commandment from Christ. Lead them to understand that bringing others to righteousness will bring great reward throughout eternity.
  6. Once we have committed our lives to the Lord, we can be sure the enemy of our souls will redouble his efforts to discourage, divert, or dissuade us. Our responsibility, as stewards of our souls, is to take advantage of the spiritual armor and weapons God has provided for us to defeat Satan. List some ways we can reinforce our resolve to resist the onslaughts the devil throws our way, and to keep on keeping on.

    Responses: Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17). Pray for strength (Ephesians 6:18). Meditate on God’s Word (Hebrews 2:1; John 8:31). Use opportunities to tell of God’s mercy and grace (Revelation 12:11). Purpose that with God’s help we will resist the attempts of Satan to confuse or confound us (Isaiah 50:7). Keep the heavenly prize ever before us (1 Corinthians 9:24; Philippians 3:14).
  7. Many instances of true friendship are given to us in the Bible, but the greatest friendship that ever could be experienced is that of friendship with our Lord Jesus Christ. He is a Friend to all, but what actions must we take to ensure an intimate friendship with Him? See John 15:14.

    Responses: If we want Jesus to be our Friend, we must be willing to do whatever He commands us. His commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3). Your students should see that it is not difficult to agree and work in harmony with someone we really care for. Your group may also bring out the necessity of daily communication with the Lord, honoring Him through our actions and words, showing gratitude, being responsive to His love, etc.
  8. God’s plan for us may, and often does, call on us to take a stand in a conspicuous way on some issue. At such times, the enemy is always there to give us a reason or reasons why going against the flow of peer pressure is perhaps not the wisest course of action. What is the responsibility of a Christian when it comes to being “different” in order to make a difference, and why?

    Responses: In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught that we, as His representatives, are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14). If we fail to let His love, His integrity, and His promise of deliverance radiate through our lives, we are no better than salt that has lost its savor, or lights that have been hidden under a bushel.
  9. The parable of the ten virgins teaches us the vital importance of spiritual vigilance. Even though the hour was late, the wise virgins were alert and prepared for the bridegroom’s coming. What are some measures we can take to make sure we stay ready for Christ’s return?

    Responses: Your students will likely begin the discussion by pointing out the necessity for seeking and receiving the spiritual experiences of salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then continuing to walk in the Light. Encourage your group to broaden the discussion by focusing on ways we can stay in close communion with God. Thoughts mentioned may include: diligent and daily prayer, study of God’s Word, continual consecration, striving to carefully follow the will of God and direction of the Holy Spirit, and keeping the soon coming of Christ at the forefront of our minds.


Give your class a key-verse quiz. Ask your students to take turns reciting the key verses learned this past quarter. After each verse is recited, ask how many of the students can match it with the proper lesson.

Prepare a hidden-word puzzle. Choose key words from all the lessons taught during this past quarter and write them on a grid. Fill in the blank spaces with random letters. Above the grid, write a list of all the words you used. Give a copy of the word-find to each of your students, and ask them to find the words in the puzzle.

To illustrate the importance of everyone’s contribution to God’s plan, have your students stand in a circle. Take a ball of twine and, while holding on to one end of the string, toss it to one student, saying that person’s name and giving one positive comment about what that person does or might someday do in the Lord’s service. (Example: Jon, you will be a great trombone player.) Then that student tosses the ball of twine to another person, making a similar comment. Continue until a web is formed. While everyone is still standing in a circle, talk about what happens if someone lets the string drop—if one fails to fulfill his part in the Body of Christ. The whole thing is weakened! Even though another person may be willing to step in and perform that part, how much better when each person fulfills his own part in God’s plan.

Cut a sheet of paper into large puzzle pieces. Give each student one piece. Let each person draw a picture of himself, write his name, or otherwise decorate his piece of paper in some way to make it especially symbolize himself. Mount the puzzle on a backing sheet, and post it under the heading, “Every Piece is Important.”
