Etta Brown

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Surely I feel that I have much to thank God for. In my life, I have had many wonderful privileges. I had a mother that taught me about the Lord as far back as I can remember. She taught me how to pray and told me that if I ever intended to make Heaven my home, I would have to serve the Lord.

As I grew older, that teaching stayed planted in my heart. I wanted to make Heaven. Every time I was in a church building, God would talk to me and I would begin to cry because I wanted God. Yet, no one could tell me how to get what I was longing for in my soul. I had no assurance of a real change of heart. I went on trying.

God was faithful in the dark hours when our home was almost broken up. There was sickness in our home and we desperately needed God. Some people came over from Klamath County and brought an Apostolic Faith Church paper that told of the wonderful things God could do. God was so real to them. We had a prayer meeting and the Lord completely healed my sick body. I didn’t know any of those people, but I began to read that paper over and over. My heart was hungry. I didn’t think I would ever have the privilege to be among people like them, but it wasn’t long until I came into my first meeting.

They began to tell me the story. Everything the Lord did for them was so real. It was the very thing I had longed for. I knelt at the altar and asked God to make it as real to me. I am so glad I prayed and the Lord came into my heart and life. He gave me victory, He gave me peace and happiness, and He took away my sins.

I can say today that the Gospel is more real than ever before. God has done so much for me. I have had a Christian home of my own. We have nine children, and seven of those children are in the Gospel with us today. We have seen God come into our home and work miracle after miracle. Those things are still real to me today. I thank Him with all my heart.