Ruth McCollum

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I thank God for this great salvation. I had never seen anyone get saved in our church. We did not have an altar call. People just came and joined the church. Still, the Lord spoke to my heart early in life, when I was about thirteen years of age. I knew that Christians did not go to dances, and I had always gone to the dances. I believed that the Lord would take the desire for sin out of my heart if I would just give Him a chance. But when the Voice of God spoke to my heart, I rebelled and turned away from Him. That was the worst thing I ever did.

For about five or six years, I did not have any conviction for sin. How glad I am that Jesus called me once again!

After I was married, my husband and I went to the dances and ran towards the things of the world. My husband drank, and our home was almost broken up because of this life of sin.

One day out on our old ranch where we lived at that time, I turned my heart to God; I just gave up to Him. I did not know that He was going to make a change in my heart that day, but it was marvelous when the Lord came in. I knew I was saved. I felt the love of God in my heart. I had wanted to get saved for some time, but was afraid to tell my husband for fear he would leave me.

That night when my husband came home, I said, “I prayed today. I am saved, and I am not going to those dances anymore.” He said he was glad. He told me that he had wanted to get saved for a whole year, but was afraid to tell me.

That was the turning point in our life and in our home. He went to church with me just a few nights later, went to the altar to pray, and the Lord saved him. He never wanted the cigarettes or the liquor again. We got a Bible and began reading it and praying together.

Our home would have been broken up had we remained in sin and continued going to the dance halls, but today I can say we have had forty years of a happy married life.

The Gospel is the greatest thing in the world. I have felt God’s healing touch when I have been sick. I know what it is to have Him raise me from the very jaws of death by His mighty power. I truly love Him today.