November 28, 2024

Dedicated to God’s Service

United Kingdom: Aberdeen, Scotland

The saints in Aberdeen rejoiced on August 4 at the dedication of the first Apostolic Faith Church in Scotland. This was the culmination of years of fervent prayers for a permanent place of worship.

About one hundred were in attendance for the service, which began with the orchestra playing “He Is Here,” followed by the choir singing “Glorious Is Thy Name.” Then Mark Mfandarahwa, Western Europe District Superintendent, welcomed everyone and recognized special guests, including Juliet Aina, in whose home the work began.

As the service continued, Francis Odudu, the Regional Superintendent for Mainland Europe, offered the opening prayer. During the announcements, Reverend Mfandarahwa gave a brief history of the work in Aberdeen. It began in 1998 when John Aina moved his family from Nigeria to Scotland and began holding Sunday services in his living room. The Ainas were young and raising a family, but that did not keep them from fully dedicating their lives to God’s service. They made sacrifices to provide services and meals in their home and to travel to other cities sharing the Gospel.

By 2001, the group had increased from four to fifteen. As attendance continued to climb, it became necessary in 2002 to move the services from the Aina home to a rented hall. That same year, Seun Ogunleye emigrated from Nigeria to attend school in Scotland. He became instrumental in growing the work by inviting fellow students to the services. Soon, the congregation began sending buses to shuttle students from various campuses.

When John Aina died in January of 2006, his wife became the group’s leader. Later, leadership passed to Winifred Eboh and then to Matthew Ibukun, who is the current pastor. During those years, the congregation grew steadily and produced two offshoot groups: one in Glasgow and the other in Edinburgh. The growth necessitated several moves from one rented space to another. The saints prayed, longing for a permanent place of worship, and God answered those prayers with the purchase of the Kingswells Parish Church in 2024.

The service continued with the choir singing “Surely the Presence.” Then Reverend Ibukun gave the Scripture reading from Solomon’s dedication prayer in 1 Kings 8:33-39 and Victor Idowu sang “Bless this House.” The message by Superintendent General Sola Adesope was taken from 2 Chronicles 6:20-21. He focused on the function of the house of God as not just an ordinary building, but one set apart for God’s purposes and glory. He also brought out that a dedicated house is useless without dedicated people. Everyone was encouraged to consecrate their lives fully to God’s service as the Ainas had done.

Following the message, Reverend Ogunleye gave the dedication prayer, asking that God let His fire fall in Aberdeen and never burn out. Then the choir sang “To God Be the Glory” and Ola Balogun, the Regional Superintendent for Scotland, offered a prayer of benediction. The service concluded with a wonderful time of prayer around the altars.


Dominican Republic: Los Altos, San Pedro de Macoris

With deep gratitude to God and a sense of joy and rejoicing, the Los Altos Apostolic Faith Church was dedicated on September 8. The service was marked by a spirit of worship and was led by Cristian Tapia, who founded the work in his home almost ten years ago. An opening prayer was offered by Esperanza Tapia, and the music included a song from the San Pedro de Macoris combined choir and a solo by Luis Mey, another founding member of the congregation.

The sermon was given by District Superintendent Deivys Pichardo. Referencing Psalm 84 and Matthew 16:17-19, he spoke about the need for personal dedication and consecration to reach the lost. He emphasized, “We must have a call to evangelism and zeal for God,” and declared that sacred place was to be consecrated as a center of worship and communion with God.

This inauguration is the result of a collaborative effort by the dozens of Apostolic Faith congregations spread across the small nation of the Dominican Republic. They look forward to continuing to walk alongside the saints in Los Altos, supporting each other in times of joy and in the challenges that will come. One who attended the dedication said, “United in our mission and connected in our faith, we move forward with hope and determination toward a future filled with blessings and opportunities for spiritual growth and service to our community.” May this church building be a tangible reflection of their faith, inspiring great revival in Los Altos.


Canada: Headingley, Manitoba

To God be all the glory for the much-anticipated dedication of the Apostolic Faith Church in Headingley. A member of the congregation summed up how everyone felt with the comment, “We have prayed and looked forward to this weekend that is now finally here. Our hearts are bursting with joy and thanksgiving to God Almighty!”

The work in Headingley started in Winnipeg when three families began worshiping together in 2010, led by Samson Jimaza, who is now the pastor. In November of 2020, God provided the means for purchasing land, and construction of a church began in May of 2023. The building was completed on May 31 of this year and the congregation is delighted to have a permanent place of worship.

Nearly 370 people gathered on September 22 to celebrate the dedication, and a spirit of joy filled the sanctuary as the orchestra played “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise” and the choir followed with “Great and Marvelous.” After an opening prayer by Akin Ajayi of Ibadan, Nigeria, the choir sang “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Oh Canada” in appreciation for the freedom of worship in that country.  

Chris Hewlett, the Canada District Superintendent, gave remarks, acknowledging those who helped with the building project through their labor, offerings, and prayers. He also praised God for this milestone, saying, “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Let us desire that the everlasting God of Heaven be exalted and present as worshipers gather in this sanctuary from Sunday to Sunday to honor, worship, and glorify Him.”

The service continued with the Scripture reading from 2 Chronicles 7:1-3. Then the choir sang “Bless this House” before Reverend Adesope brought the message. Reading from 2 Chronicles 7:15-16, he spoke on “The Function and Purpose of the House of God.” He said, “We dedicate this house as a place of forgiveness, prayer, and refuge. May it be a lighthouse where the standard of God’s Word is upheld, and may it also be a soul-saving station.”

Following the message, Reverend Hewlett gave the dedicatory prayer, after which the congregation sang “My Faith Looks Up to Thee.” Then the benediction was given by Marjorie Reid, who is the pastor in Langley, British Columbia, and was instrumental in overseeing the construction. The service concluded with a wonderful time of prayer around the altars. As individuals reconsecrated their lives to God, a sweet Spirit was present to bless and uplift.


Japan: Kawasaki, Kanagawa

The dedication of a new church building for our Kawasaki congregation was held on November 24. Seventy years ago, the first Apostolic Faith Church in Japan was dedicated after missionaries Arthur and Miriam Allen established a congregation in Tokyo. Eight years later, in 1962, a church building was established in Kawaski. When the Tokyo building was sold, a building was constructed in Kawasaki and dedicated in 1971. Earlier this year, it became necessary for that building to be demolished and replaced due to current needs and earthquake safety regulations. This new building had been the vision of Hidehiro Ouchi, who was pastor of the congregation for many years. Though Reverend Ouchi passed away several years ago, the Japanese Board of Directors and Yoshiki Ohno, the current pastor, followed through with his vision. They completed the new building to the glory of God.

Every seat in the sanctuary was filled as the service began with the reading of Psalm 70:4, “Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.” This was followed by an opening prayer by Reverend Ohno. Then the congregation sang “Amazing Grace.”

The service continued with South Korean District Superintendent Kim Jeong Min and his wife singing a vocal duet of “Grace.” They sang each verse in one of the three languages of those present: Japanese, Korean, and English. Later, Philippines District Superintendent Fernan Fiegalan and his wife also provided a song special, “In Christ Alone.” The Holy Spirit was beautifully present during these special numbers as they sang for God’s glory.

Before the dedication sermon, Reverend Ohno presented a Bible reading from 2 Chronicles 7:11-16, a portion of King Solomon’s prayer at the Temple dedication in Jerusalem. The sermon was given by Director of East Asia Work Bill McKibben, who attended with his wife, Lori, on behalf of the world headquarters. Reverend McKibben took his text from 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, describing the glory and presence of God which filled the Temple as the priests and people worshipped after the Ark was placed in the Holy of Holies. Those attending were challenged not only to pray for God’s glory to inhabit the new building but, more importantly, to inhabit each of their hearts. Following the sermon, the congregation sang the hymn “Praise the Lord” and then Reverend McKibben offered the dedicatory prayer. 

To conclude the service, representatives from the construction company were honored. The visitors and local saints all left rejoicing in the goodness of God for providing this new place of worship.

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