TEXT: Genesis 6:5-22; Hebrews 11:7
The students will be able to relate that, as believers, they have the promise of divine protection at all times. What God allows for the believer is always for his good.
Noah was the grandson of Methuselah, and great-grandson of Enoch. Like his great-grandfather, he was a just man who walked with God. The Flood began in Noah’s 600th year, after God had waited 120 years while the ark was being prepared. The ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. There was one door, one window above, and three stories. It was large enough to accommodate many thousands of species of animals, and food and water enough for all to eat and drink, as well as for the eight souls that were saved.
The flood was sent as divine judgment on the antediluvians for their wickedness. It rained 40 days and nights, the Flood finally abating after 150 days. The ark rested upon Mount Ararat in the seventh month, but it was over a year after the rains began that Noah went forth out of the ark again.
Since a shelter or protector must be stronger or more powerful than whatever it is protecting from, what does this say about God’s supremacy regarding divine protection? We are grateful for the protection afforded us by the military, police, fire department, etc., but how much better is our Divine Protector!
When God sent the Flood upon the world, He provided protection for those who would accept it, in the form of an ark. Christians today are provided with protection far above that which the world knows. We have the promise of divine protection at all times.
- Hebrews 11:7 indicates that Noah was warned by God of impending judgment upon the wicked world. Since we read in 2 Peter 2:5 that Noah was a preacher of righteousness, we can assume that Noah’s preaching warned of the coming flood, a time when all people would need divine protection. What warnings do people receive today?
Response: Class discussion should bring out that God’s Word is full of warnings concerning the last days. It also warns of the dangers of neglecting salvation, of rejecting the mercy of God, of returning to our evil ways once we have received salvation, of not believing God’s promises, etc. Point out that our only spiritual protection is to be under the Blood of Jesus and striving to follow Him in every aspect of our lives.
- Why was it necessary for Noah to make the ark exactly to the dimensions that God specified? Parallel this to what we must do if we want God’s protection.
Response: Your students should see that Noah’s protection was contingent upon his obedience. What would have happened if he had chosen to build the ark his own way, to his own specifications? The parallel should be made that if we want God’s protection, we must follow His commandments and obey Him, even in small details.
- The schooling of the Lord, though sometimes strange to us, is perfect in His plan for our lives. He makes a straight path for our feet, and then lights the way with His presence. We may at times go through deep waters or fiery trials. What has God promised to us at these times? See Isaiah 43:2.
Response: Encourage students to share personal experiences of how God was their protector in times of difficulty. Were the waters ever too high or the fire too hot? Point out that even though God allows the difficulty, the Christian can know it is part of God’s divine plan.
- Those in Noah’s day needed protection from an oncoming flood. Give a specific example of something you need to be protected from and tell how God meets your need in it. Then give an example where God protected you without your being aware of it until sometime later.
Response: Allow time for students to contribute their ideas. Point out that they are surrounded by potential dangers, seen and unseen. Stress that God meets their needs with His protecting hand in each case.
- What roles do angels play in divine protection? Refer to Psalm 91:11, Daniel 6:22, and Acts 12:7.
Response: These Scriptures clearly show that God has the power to dispatch an angel to come to our rescue in the hour of need. They are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who are heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14).
- Divine protection is promised when certain conditions are met. The following verses contain a promise along with a requirement. After each reference, give the required condition.
2 Chronicles 16:9
Psalm 34:7
Psalm 41:1
Matthew 6:33
Response: 2 Chronicles 16:9 — a perfect heart
Psalm 34:7 — fear of God
Psalm 41:1 — consider the poor
Matthew 6:33 — seek God’s Kingdom first
Have your students suggest ways in which these conditions could be met. Emphasize that the promises are guaranteed when we meet the conditions.
- Do you think the unsaved should expect divine protection? Why or why not?
Response: The students should contribute their thoughts. While even the unsaved may benefit by God’s protecting hand, they have no right to expect it since they aren’t meeting the conditions required. If this protection is received, it is an extension of God’s mercy. Stress that the Christian is promised divine protection though not necessarily immunity from all trouble.
- As Christians, we sometimes still get hurt or find ourselves with problems and in difficult situations. We may be involved in automobile accidents, face persecutions, etc. Does this mean that God is not protecting us? Why do you think God allows these things to happen?
Response: Your students should conclude that “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). When we are trusting in the omniscience of God, even events that would seem to others to be tragic are for our good. We know that nothing comes into our lives except it passes through the hand of a loving heavenly Father. Becoming a Christian does not guarantee us a life free from distress and trials. On the contrary, trials are given for the express purpose of strengthening us. But as Christians, we have the assurance that these trials can be a blessing, and we are protected from anything that will not be to our good.
- The Great Tribulation is coming! What would you say is God’s ultimate protection for us?
Response: God’s ultimate protection is redemption and the Rapture. Help your students conclude that we are living in the eleventh hour of time, just before the terrible Tribulation engulfs all the inhabitants remaining in the world. We need protection! God has provided that protection through His plan of salvation. Those who believe God’s plan and are walking in all the light of God’s Word will be raptured out of the world before the full fury of the Tribulation is realized. Emphasize that many in Noah’s day neglected to heed God’s warning of impending danger and were lost. Today, too, many are not taking advantage of God’s mercy in order to be protected at the time of the world’s greatest need.
Bring an empty jar to class. Tell how the jar is filled with air containing millions of atoms and molecules we cannot see. This reminds us that although we cannot see God or His angels, they are always there protecting those of us who fear the Lord.
Bring to class some brochures about insurance policies or similar documents. Use these to demonstrate God’s protection plan. Explain about the different insurance plans—how we must pay a certain premium for protection against loss of house due to fire, loss of car due to accident, or even loss of life. Compare these to God’s protection plan. We, too, must pay a certain price for God’s protection. We must trust and obey the Lord and yield our lives to Him.
Bring an umbrella, rain hat, or raincoat to class. Perhaps wear the hat or coat, showing how we use these things to protect us from the weather. These would be of no avail in a rainstorm if we chose not to use them. God is our protection in our day-to-day lives if we trust Him.