Help Against Enemies

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Search Unit 13 - God Meets Our Needs

TEXT: Joshua 6:1-20


In facing those who oppose us in the faith, the students will be able to explain that the battle is not ours but the Lord’s, and He will give us the victory if our trust is in Him.


Jericho was taken by the direct help of God to inspire the Israelites with confidence. Led by the ark of the Lord, with priests blowing trumpets, they compassed the city seven days. No doubt, hovering above were the invisible Hosts of the Lord (Joshua 5:14), waiting for the appointed hour. On the seventh day, at the blast of the trumpets, the walls fell flat.

The archaeological supplement of the Thompson Bible indicates that Jericho had a double wall. The walls were fifteen feet apart, with the outer wall being six feet thick, and the inner wall twelve feet thick. Both were thirty feet high, made of sun-dried bricks that were four inches thick and one to two feet long. They were laid in mud mortar, and linked together by houses built across the top such as Rahab’s house on the wall. The outer wall fell outward and down the hillside, dragging the inner wall and houses with it.


At the time of the taking of Jericho, the Children of Israel had learned a hard lesson. They had just finished wandering in the wilderness for forty years because they had disobeyed God. He had told them He would fight for them if they obeyed and trusted Him. As they marched around Jericho, they were obedient to God. The method was unorthodox, but God gave the victory! The people shouted with a great shout, and the walls fell down flat.

  1. Why were the inhabitants of Jericho so terrified of the Israelites that they wouldn’t come out of their city to fight against them? See Joshua 2:9-11.

    Response: Rahab said they knew that the God of Israel was God of Heaven and of earth, and that He had given His people the land, and they were all fearful because of His people. This is an appropriate time to bring out that we are serving this same God today and, just as in olden times, when we obey Him, “our God shall fight for us” (Nehemiah 4:20).
  2. After the fall of Jericho, Joshua 7 records that the Children of Israel were badly defeated when they fought against the much smaller city of Ai. The Israelites had been told not to take any spoil from Jericho, but Achan disobeyed God’s command, and all the people suffered because of it. What principle does this lead us to understand regarding deliverance from our enemies?

    Response: The students should conclude that if they disobey, God will not fight for them and they will be defeated. They will learn, too, that others are affected by their actions. This principle is as valid now as it was in the time of Jericho.
  3. Several times in the Old Testament, God used the forces of nature to fight against Israel’s enemies. Look up the following Scriptures and describe what instrumentality God used in each instance.
    Joshua 10:11
    Joshua 10:12-14
    Joshua 24:12
    1 Samuel 14:15-16

    Response: Joshua 10:11 — Hailstones
    Joshua 10:12-14 — Sun and moon stand still
    Joshua 24:12 — Hornets
    1 Samuel 14:15-16 — Earthquake
    As your students respond with the answer for each of these verses, you may wish to discuss that even though we may not see God use these specific methods of delivering us from our enemies, He still delivers His own.
  4. We likely won’t face the literal battles like Joshua and other Biblical characters did. What kind of personal enemy might we face in our day?

    Response: Discussion with your class should bring out that our enemies may be those who ridicule us, who condemn us, who reject our beliefs, and who are actively seeking to hinder our serving the Lord.
  5. We don’t expect the Lord to slay those who oppose us, but what kind of help and victory can we expect the Lord to provide?

    Response: On occasion direct retribution may be evidenced. However, even when this does not occur, we have victory in the knowledge of the inner security that God is with us. Your students may also bring out that we possibly will see a withdrawal of attempts to persecute or dissuade us. You may wish to bring out that sometimes personal antagonism against us may be caused by conviction. If this is the case, we may see even worse behavior, but the end result could be salvation of the one who took a stand against us. That would be real victory!
  6. What does the Lord expect of us after He has delivered us from our enemies? What benefit will we receive by doing this? See Psalm 107:1-2 and Revelation 12:10-11.

    Response: The students should see that it is important for us to give our testimony after we are saved, and that through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony we will overcome. A testimony is not only a blessing to ourselves, but God can also use it as a means of encouragement or blessing to others.
  7. One of the keys to receiving victory is praise. Paul and Silas are a notable example of this (Acts 16:25). How can we praise God when we are facing an enemy? Why does this increase our faith to believe for victory over our enemies?

    Response: Your students should recognize the necessity of praising God even in difficult times. It is a commandment of God: “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). That means we are to praise God even if we cannot see any good in the situation. In responding to the second question, your students should see that our faith is increased when we focus on the all-powerful God, and realize that our circumstances are in His control.
  8. Jesus told His disciples that He gave them power over all power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Yet He told them not to rejoice in this. In what were they to rejoice? See Luke 10:20.

    Response: They were to rejoice because their names were written in Heaven. Rehearse with your students that the disciples had witnessed glorious victories as the sick were healed and the devils were cast out. But Jesus wanted them to remember that these were not accomplished through their power but through the power given to them from Above. Even though they rejoiced in this, the more important truth was that their names were written in Heaven. Wrap up your lesson by encouraging your class to greatly appreciate having their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life. They can then enjoy the promised deliverance from all their enemies.


Cut out a simple shield shape from heavy paper. Bring it to class, and ask your students to write in suggestions as to ways we can find God’s help against our enemies. For example: prayer, reading of the Word, quoting Scripture, consulting the ministry.

Take two banners (one red, one white) to class. On the red banner, write the word Victory on one side, and God on the other side. On the white banner, use the words Defeat and Self. Hold up the banner that says God. Explain that when we trust in God completely He will fight our battles for us and (turn banner over) we are sure to have Victory. Then show the banner that says Self. Explain when we try to do things our way God can’t help us, and we will have to put up the white flag of surrender (turn banner over) which means Defeat. Discuss which banner is better. Bring out that no one likes to lose, and the fact that we never lose when God fights our battles for us.

Have an adult give a testimony of “victory” to your class.

Write out some simple situations appropriate to the age level you are teaching. Let your students describe the victory which can be won in each situation. Some possibilities: A classmate makes fun of you because you refuse to cheat on a test; A bully tries to pick a fight with you in the hall because you go to church; A girl in your class tells a lie about you.
