world report

East Bridgewater Youth Weekend

East Bridgewater
September 13, 2024

A youth weekend in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, was held Friday, August 30, through Sunday, September 1. Meetings were held at three different locations and were attended by over one hundred people. The theme of the weekend was “True Worship,” with the guest minister Daniel Tetteh of Wharton, New Jersey. Young people from Apostolic Faith churches in Wharton, New Jersey; Oceanside, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; and Washington, D.C., drove or flew to Massachusetts to enjoy fellowship with each other and brethren of the East Bridgewater church.

The opening evangelistic service on Friday was held at the church location in East Bridgewater. It began with a string quartet playing "O Worship the King." The Holy Spirit was warmly welcomed as the choir members sang “Agnus Dei.” Following this, the theme song, “The Heart of Worship,” was led by Elizabeth Adebayo. Worship songs and testimonies reflected the theme of “True Worship.” Preceding the testimony service, four young men from Washington, D.C. sang “If the Lord Wasn’t Walking by My Side.”

Ife Tetteh, from Wharton, testified to God’s faithfulness and how He prevented her family from having car troubles while preparing for their trip to the youth weekend by exposing a situation which was easily taken care of before the four-hour drive to Massachusetts. Grace Ehineni shared how the Lord protected her in a terrible car accident a year ago and how He has been helping her in all areas of life. Another one testified about God helping him throughout his postgraduate studies and giving him a job last month.

Rimitan Alofe sang "At the Cross/Love Ran Red,” after which Brother Daniel preached on “Come and See.” He highlighted the necessity of repentance and faith in order to experience and see the transformative power of God like the Samaritan woman, Phillip, and the disciples did.

On Saturday, a cookout and learning session was held at Halloran Park in Stoughton. The event opened with singing, after which attendees were put in several age groups to discuss the theme of the weekend. A general wrap-up was led by the youth leader, John Adebayo. While this was going on, the welfare team prepared snacks and grilled food, which was enjoyed by all. After a bit of relaxation following the lunch break, a short worship service was held at the park. Everyone gathered for a time of praise led by Ruth Mhundwa from Wharton, and then Sister Ife gave a sermonette on “True Worship.”

In the afternoon, an organized game session was held with soccer, basketball, and volleyball games being played simultaneously, and the athletes were cheered on by those who watched. Younger children were not left out; they had a lot of fun at the playground. Later on, Brother John led a group of young people to share Gospel tracts around the Stoughton area.

The youth weekend came to a close on Sunday. The morning began with Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., with several different classes held at a rented hall in Stoughton. The morning service opened with “Here I Am to Worship” by the combined orchestra, after which Jessica Ekanem, from Washington, D.C., sang “You Are Worthy of it All.” Everyone joined her on the chorus. Next, “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” was sung by the combined choir. Sister Elizabeth then led the theme song, “The Heart of Worship," before Timothy Ajayi, the youth leader from Oceanside, led the song service. Every song sung by the congregation reflected the theme of “True Worship.”

Brother John welcomed all the young people and then the choir members from Oceanside sang “My God Is Real.” The Scripture reading, John 4:19-23, was read by Ifiok Ekanem, from Washington, D.C. The last special, “Fill My Cup, Lord,” was sung by Sister Ife. Brother Daniel took his main text from Romans 12:1-2 and spoke on the topic of “True Worship.” He emphasized the importance of worshiping God the way He wants instead of the way mankind wants. After the sermon, everyone went on their knees to seek God's face and renew their will to serve God His way.

After lunch was served in the hall, attendees said their farewells and departed for their various destinations. Attendees testified that they had a good time of spiritual refreshing in the presence of the Lord and hoped to attend next year, if Jesus tarries His coming.

occasion / dates
Youth Weekend
August 30 - September 1, 2024