world report

Bellfort Houston Special Meetings

October 23, 2024

The Bellfort congregation in Houston prayed for weeks for the outpouring of the blessings of God upon their special meetings, and He answered that prayer in a marvelous way. Not only did He bless abundantly throughout services, but He brought many from far and near to attend. A few of the services had about 150 people in attendance, including some who heard the announcements from a prominent radio station that reaches numerous states in the south and cities in Texas.

John Baros and his wife, Heidi, from Medford, Oregon, were the special guests for the weekend. The first night, Brother John took his text from Acts 8:26-39. He echoed the words of the Ethiopian eunuch, “What doth hinder me to be baptized?” He stated that there are things that can hinder one from receiving both spiritual and physical blessings from God. This eunuch was hungry for more of God, having attended meetings in Jerusalem. God saw his sincere heart and dispatched Philip to join him in his chariot. As Brother John cited various possible hindrances, he encouraged the congregation to examine their own lives, to ask God to reveal any hindrances in the way, and to help remove them.

Many responded very positively to this admonition and flooded to the altars, and one poured out her heart to God and was saved. The Spirit of God was dealing with another young lady who was kneeling at a pew in the back of the room. She too reached out to the Lord and was saved, and the evidence was visible as her face glowed with the radiance of victory. Many others also prayed and received blessings. 

At the next service, Brother John took his text from 2 Chronicles chapter 34. He mentioned that though Josiah did not have godly parents or godly examples, he followed the God of his great-grandfather, David. Josiah brought about reformations in Judah and the entire region because he had made up his mind to follow God wholeheartedly. He started well and ended well. Brother John stated that anyone can purpose to follow God as Josiah did, and that God is faithful to anyone who is willing to serve Him.

In another service, Brother John preached from Luke 15. He talked about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the Prodigal Son. God is waiting with open arms for lost souls to return to Him. He will have mercy and will forgive and restore. This service had the largest attendance, and there was not enough room around the altars, so many prayed in the pews. As people poured out their hearts to God in prayer, He met them there. What a wonderful sight to behold as the saints of God from branch churches enjoyed a wonderful and lingering fellowship with one another. There was shouting, hugging, and fellowship, like a little touch of Heaven! Even after getting their packaged refreshments to go, many still lingered. God blessed abundantly.

Saturday evening was a concert sing-along and it was spectacular! The home church choir rendered a few favorites, including “The New Jerusalem,” with instrumentals and Scripture readings interspersed. They also sang “I Will Rise and Tell the Story,” which is ascribed to the Apostolic Faith founder, Florence Crawford. The congregation joined in singing the chorus. There were also presentations from branch churches, including Reed Road, which performed “As it Was in the Days of Elijah.” In attendance were faculty members from a university that is about one hundred miles from Houston, where one of our ministers teaches. None who attended were disappointed. Again, there was warm fellowship following the concert. It seemed that no one wanted to leave the sanctuary because the Spirit of God was there.

For the last service, Brother John spoke from Mathew 13:44. He defined treasure as “an item of high value.” He asked, “What is your treasure? What do you value most in life?” He added that when considering the value of the Gospel, one should embrace it and forsake all to have it. He said that there is no discount on the Gospel as it was purchased with the precious Blood of Christ. Seekers flocked to the altars after the sermon. 

Words cannot adequately convey the blessings God bestowed during the week. Thank God for everything He accomplished throughout these services!

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
September 9-15, 2024