world report

Sacramento Special Meetings

October 23, 2024

Anticipation and joy were evident as saints from many locations greeted one another on a beautiful Friday evening for special meetings in Sacramento, California. The theme for the weekend was “Facing the Giants.”

Friday’s service began with the choir singing “You’ve Already Won.” Congregational singing continued the theme of victory in the face of trial. John Baros, from Medford, Oregon, was the guest minister and preached from 1 Samuel 17:37 and 47, which features the victory of David over the giant, Goliath. Brother John noted that Goliath used deception and intimidation as tools to try to bring fear and doubt to David, and the devil uses those same tools to try to take away believers' confidence in God. Today, God is looking for people like David to stand up against the enemy for the cause of truth. The service was followed by a sweet altar service. After a spiritual feast, there was a culinary feast of Chinese food. It was a great time of good food and fellowship. 

On Saturday morning, the gathering began with a wonderful time of singing. The rafters seemed to ring with praise! Pierre Hancock, from Los Angeles, California, gave the devotional, using 1 Samuel 17:4, 8-10 as his text. He related that Goliath was a formidable foe that brought terror to the Israelite army, who ran and fled. Today, the enemy still tries to demoralize and distract from the mankind's true purpose to serve and glorify God. However, David had a vision of the true cause of God, and with God's help he defeated the enemy, and that is what God can do for all. During the devotional, the congregation broke into small groups and discussed "giants" that some will face, including doubt, fear, rejection, lust, loneliness, and others. Then everyone came together to share ways to overcome them. The suggestions included: remembering that God hears prayer, keeping focused on God and the truth, letting God’s love and joy bring the endurance that it brought Jesus on the Cross, having a vision for souls, and relying on the family of God for support. These are wonderful tools that will help in every spiritual battle.

There were youth activities at a local park in the afternoon, followed by a young people’s service that evening. The sermon was on 1 Timothy 4:12. The question was asked, “How do we not let people despise our youth?” The answer was: by being an example of a believer. The minister related that it is normal for young people to question what they have been taught in the Gospel, but answering questions cannot become the believers' greatest battle. That type of battle wears one down and distracts from the real battle of living to glorify God. He encouraged the young people to focus their attention on God, because the questions will be settled by Him in His time. It is important, as a young person, to stand up and be an example–to be on the offensive in the battle! Some may stand alone as David did, but the Lord will stand alongside and give victory. There was time to seek and draw close to the Lord in prayer after the service. A tasty lunch was served Saturday afternoon, and pizza after the evening service.

Sunday morning, after more beautiful music and singing, Brother John preached using the text 1 Samuel 17:50-51. The text relates that after David struck down Goliath with a stone, he decapitated the giant to ensure that he would never rise again. Brother John spoke about the giant of sin. He likened salvation to the stone that took down Goliath, and sanctification to the act of decapitation–slaying the sin nature, to rise no more. He emphasized that complete victory over sin is available to each one, and the congregation was blessed by the time spent in prayer at the conclusion of the service.

The final meeting of the weekend was held on Sunday evening. Again, there was enthusiastic congregational singing and testimonies of victory. One brother said a picture of Hell in his dream led him to surrender to the Lord. Another person told of how she had lived a hypocrite’s life but longed for the joy and peace to be guilt-free, and that is exactly what happened when she finally gave her heart to the Lord. For the sermon, Brother John read from Luke 22:41-43 and 1 Samuel 17:48. He said, “There is a time to face the giant that confronts us with faith and courage.” The giant may be depression, a restitution, a difficult consecration, or the call of God on one’s life. Defeating those giants may take wrestling in prayer against one's own will, just as Jesus did. Giants are defeated through surrendering to God and through love, patience, meekness, and kindness. Facing and conquering spiritual giants will bring wonderful victory!

As people traveled back to their homes, they carried memories of a blessed time of spiritual food, fellowship with the family of God, and time with the Lord.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
September 27-29, 2024