world report

Worth, Illinois Special Meetings

November 13, 2024

The revival weekend in Worth, Illinois, started on a high note Thursday, September 12, 2024. The theme was, “Abide in Me and I in You,” taken from John 15:4. The prelude began with the orchestra playing “Abide with Me,” and “Constantly Abiding.” Pastor Joshua Idowu welcomed the congregation along with Nick Segres, Jr. and his wife, Sharon, from Atlanta, Georgia. Using Job 1:6, Brother Joshua reminded everyone that they were there to meet with God and that He will lift every burden if they endeavor to shun the devil. Opening prayer committed the weekend to the Lord for victories to be won. The choir sang “He’s Still Working on Me,” followed by testimonies of victory. Foluseke Olusanya shared how God led him to the Apostolic Faith, and how the Lord has brought him through diverse challenges in his life. Esther Olusanya shared how grateful she is for the privilege of being born into the Gospel and how God has been leading her every step. She encouraged the young people to stay close to Christ and He will make something beautiful of their lives. Esther Ajibola, from St. Louis, Illinois, told of how God cornered her up when she got to school and wanted to go her own way. She said the journey has been rough but she has found victory with God by her side. The last special was “When God Dips His Love in My Heart.” 

For the sermon, Brother Nick read from John 15:1-11, focusing on the theme “Abiding in Christ.” He explained that there are three people represented in the passage: Christians (the branches), Jesus (the Vine) and God (the Husbandman). For a believer's joy to be full, he needs to attach to the Vine. That starts at salvation, and then to remain in Christ, believers need to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Brother Nick emphasized that when believers abide in Christ, they receive the joy, peace, and love that He gives, which can be shown to others. A sweet time of prayer ensued at the altars as people tarried before the Lord.

The Friday service began with a brass ensemble playing “There Is a Redeemer” and “From Salem’s Plain.” The choir followed, singing “O Happy Day.” Bunmi Omitoyin, the pastor of Minneapolis, Minnesota, read Isaiah 65:24 and Malachi 3:16. Following congregational singing, a ladies’ quartet sang “Fully Alive!” During testimonies, a sister shared of God’s powerful leading and restoration of her husband’s life. A brother testified about God’s miraculous provision of a new kidney that he needed and that he is grateful for God’s grace. Another sister told of God’s power to heal and that He answers prayers. For the last special, a duet sang “Do You Know My Jesus?” Brother Nick took his text from John 15:1-11 with the focus on Christ abiding in His people and the benefits He provides. A beautiful time of prayer around the altars followed the sermon as people examined their hearts before the Lord. Visitors in attendance were from Atlanta, Georgia; St. Louis, Missouri; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Michigan.

The Saturday symposium started with praise choruses and an action song medley, followed by prayer. Brother Joshua welcomed everyone to the session as delicious barbecue food was being prepared for lunch. The youth choir sang, “My Savior Loves, My Savior Lives.” Jon Wolf, from St. Louis, led the congregation in several worship choruses. Then, Brother Nick and Sister Sharon headed up an interactive exposition on what it means to abide in Christ. They gave practical steps and actions that both young and old can utilize to abide with Christ. The five practical applications are: praying, reading and meditating on God’s Word, practicing gratitude, obeying Christ’s teachings, and practicing self-awareness while asking God to search one's heart every moment. The closing song was “Search Me, O God,” followed by prayer. Those in attendance fellowshipped outside and ate great food in surplus. Everyone enjoyed their time as the kids jumped nonstop in a bouncy castle. It was a blessed time of fellowship filled with food, fun, and laughter.

Sunday morning started with Sunday school for all ages. The title for the adult lesson was “The First Temptation and Sin.” Emphasis was made on the many ways the devil tempts Christians in today and the individual purpose needed to escape from the devil’s deceit and temptations. The teacher explained the difference between being tempted and committing sin. The class agreed on how overcoming temptation is achievable, even in this sinful world, but it is by the grace of God and a person’s determination to flee from anything that appears sinful.

The morning service started with a Bible reading from Psalm 18:46-50, read by Tim Travis, and was followed by prayer. The orchestra played “Let My Life Praise You” and “Shout to the Lord,” followed by the choir singing “Jesus Is the Answer” and a mixed quartet singing “Lord Most High.” During the song service, Sister Sharon led the song “Just a Little Talk with Jesus,” and Brother Nick and Siter Ifreke, also from Atlanta, accompanied her. The Bible reading was from Galatians 5:22-26, which was followed by Brother Joshua singing “So May You.” The sermon, brought by Brother Nick, was on the “Evidence of Abiding in Christ.” He emphasized what abiding in Christ will bring. If a person is not abiding in the vine, that individual cannot enjoy the benefits of the full blessing of the Gospel. He explained that utilizing the tools discussed throughout the weekend will bring the evidence of abiding in Christ, and Christ abiding within. According to Galatians 5:22-26, this will produce the fruit of the Spirit. He noted that the word “fruit” is singular, so all the characteristics mentioned in the Bible reading are part of one fruit. He later explained that one purpose of that fruit is to draw others to Christ. He admonished the congregation to remain steadfast and abide in Christ. At the end of the sermon, everyone went to prayer.

Praise God for a wonderful revival weekend that renewed hearts and encouraged everyone to continue to abide in Christ till He returns.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
September 12-15, 2024