world report

Wharton Special Meetings

September 13, 2024

During the week of August 18-25, representatives from five branch churches joined the Wharton, New Jersey, congregation for special meetings. The theme was “I Am Come for Thy Words,” based on Daniel 10:12. The meetings were preceded by nightly prayer meetings.

The first Sunday morning service was opened by Josephine McElveen, District Superintendent of the Eastern and Southern District. A children’s program formed part of the prelude, after which the orchestra played “Exalt the Lord” and the choir sang “Down to the River to Pray.” The first special was a young men’s quartet singing “Where Could I Go?” and the last special was “How Long Has it Been?” Reading from Daniel 10:12, Sister Josephine encouraged all to pray and keep believing because God still answers prayer. For those who earnestly seek God in prayer and fasting, the answer will surely come in His own time.

On Sunday evening, the orchestra played “Royal Telephone” and the choir sang “Prayer Bells of Heaven.” There were testimonies of traveling mercies, protection, and victory. Before the sermon, the last special was “If You Only Knew Him.” Bisi Odulaja, from Wharton, took his text from 1 Corinthians 1:26-27 and preached on “Our special call from God.” Part of his admonition was aimed at the young people, encouraging them to embrace the privilege of knowing God through godly parents or loved ones who introduced them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday through Thursday were devoted to Bible teachings. Before each teaching, testimonies by selected individuals highlighted the topic for the evening. A duet of “Revive Us, O Lord” preceded the teaching by Daniel Tetteh, from Wharton at the Monday service. The message summarized the six lessons of the “Ready for Revival Series,” emphasizing the need to perceive, prioritize, purify, prepare, partner, and prevail in prayer for revival.

On Tuesday evening, the last special was “He Touched Me.” Then Akinola Fawole taught on “Gospel Essentials,” expounding on repentance, salvation, restitution, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire.

On Wednesday evening, “Is Your All on the Altar?” was sung for the last special. Then guest minister Howard Wilson, from Woodlake, California, gave a teaching on prayer. Reading from the theme verse, Daniel 10:12, and from James 4, he encouraged those present to have faith in God and pray until an answer is received. He compared the similarities and differences between seeking and receiving, using as examples the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25 and the rich young ruler in Mark 10:17.

On Thursday evening, the song before the last Bible teaching was “Be Still, My Soul.” Then James Timbilla, the Wharton pastor, taught on God’s deliverance of the righteous. Brother James took his text from Matthew 10:22 and said that when God saves a person, he or she begins a Christian warfare, but God has promised to send deliverance, as He delivered Daniel and others who remained righteous.

A revival and evangelistic service was held on Friday evening with an opening duet of “Jesus Is Passing this Way.” The last special before the message was “Ho, Everyone that Is Thirsty.” Brother Howard read from Daniel 10:19 and 2 Samuel 23:8-12, using the account of Shammah, whose courage and faith brought about a great victory against the Philistines. Brother Howard charged his listeners to master courage and faith and tarry with the Lord until they receive answers to their prayers.

Saturday morning was devoted to a teaching on “Committed Courtship.” For his text, Brother Howard read Genesis 2:18-25 and gave a lesson using the acronym LAST. L for "loving communication," A for "agreeing spiritually," S for "strict financial responsibility," and T for "thriving, unshakable commitment." The teaching was enriched with follow-up questions and contributions.

On Saturday evening there was a time for three to share detailed testimonies of their salvation, sanctification, and baptism of the Holy Ghost experiences. After the testimonies, Brother Howard gave a sermonette, quoting Luke 10:38-42, the account of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha. He encouraged listeners to focus on sitting at the feet of Jesus. A sweet time of prayer followed.

The final Sunday morning began with another children’s program, with students singing and reciting Scriptures that went along with the theme of the special meetings. The orchestra then played “Nearer, Still Nearer,” followed by the choir singing “How Marvelous Are Thy Works.” Before the Bible reading taken from Proverbs 3:1-10, a mixed quartet sang “Pray the Clouds Away,” and the last special was “Why Don’t You Try Praying?” Brother Howard took his text from Proverbs 3:5-6, from which he enjoined the congregation to have “Automatic Trust” in God and His Word, just like a baby trusts his or her caregiver without much thought.

The special meetings closed with a farewell service on Sunday evening. The orchestra played “Keep on the Firing Line” and the choir sang “Salvation Has Been Brought Down.” The special song before the sermon was “I Am Praying for You,” and Brother Howard took his text from John 14:1-3. He preached on making the effort and investment to ensure a final destination in Heaven. He stated that even though this was the last service for this year’s special meetings, if everyone is saved, we can all meet again in Heaven someday.

There was a general sense of a peaceful and quiet Spirit felt throughout the meetings and as people prayed. God exceeded expectations, and all glory is given to Him.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
August 18-25, 2024