Horace Dibble

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

When I was a young man I sought the pleasures of the world. I loved sports, and I loved to play pool. My pool room was one of the best in South Bend, Indiana. I was a bartender for ten years in hotels, gambling halls, and club houses. Though not a drinker myself, that life condemned me. I saw what sin had done to other people, and I knew what it would do to me if I continued in the kind of life I was living. I tried to get away from it. I moved out West and took charge of a big ranch.

My wife was a church member, but I knew she was not a Christian, because she sinned. I had seen real Christianity in an aunt who lived with my family for years. She never sinned, so I knew that was how Christians were supposed to live.  

The Apostolic Faith people came into contact with my wife and she prayed right in our home and got saved. She began to live the life of a Christian before me. She prayed every morning and evening, and at mealtime no matter who was there. She also stopped playing cards and going to the dances.

I wanted to investigate these people for myself, so I went to the camp meeting in Portland, Oregon. It only took a few minutes for me to realize I had come into contact with real Christian people. The testimonies appealed to me. I believed them and decided to prove them for myself. I went to the altar and prayed, but God did not save me. He did not save me the second time I prayed either. I said to my wife, “I don’t believe God is going to save me, so I will leave camp meeting in the morning.” God had a different plan, though.

During the night, I had a dream of someone carrying a banner. On it were the words, “Be ye reconciled to God.” I ran from the banner all night until I finally fell down exhausted. When I woke up, I realized my condition; I was not reconciled to God. My sins rose up before me as high as a mountain, and I cried from the bottom of my heart for God to save me. He saved me right there on my bed. God made a wonderful change in my heart and life. He took the sin out of my life completely and made a real Christian out of me.

This Gospel means everything to me; I know if I am faithful, I will make Heaven my home.