Maud Chandler

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I am so glad I ever heard the story of Jesus. As a young girl, I wanted to be a Christian. I joined the church and tried to live a Christian life, but the change I expected to take place in my life never came.

Having been raised in a small town, I thought if I could travel and see the world, surely I would find happiness. The time came when I went to Europe and traveled in foreign countries and all over the United States, but that didn’t put happiness and peace in my heart.

I went to a large city to live, and I began to get into the pleasures of the world; I started to drift into the deeper sins of life. I longed to go out like the rest of the young people and enjoy the pleasures of the world, but there was always something talking to my heart that took the fun out of it. Finally, at my own wish, that Voice became silent. I could go any place on the Sabbath day, and God wouldn’t talk to me.

I went deeper and deeper into sin—finally into the very depths of sin. I thought my pride would surely help me out, but I found it failed. At times, I would leave that city and go back to my home where my parents were, thinking I would not let those sins have dominion over me anymore. But just as sure as the opportunity afforded, I would go right back into that life. I realized my willpower was gone.

It wasn’t in a church, but in the kitchen of a wealthy home in Cincinnati, Ohio, that a little handmaid told me about this wonderful Gospel. It struck a chord in my heart, and I longed for the happiness she told me about. She said Jesus would save me and give me joy, peace, and power to live every day above sin. Oh, how I longed down in my heart for power to live above sin! I wondered if it could be possible that my heart would ever know real happiness.

One day, alone in my room, I said, “God, if You will give me real salvation, I will give You the rest of my life!” I turned my back on every sin and began to pray for God to have mercy on me. I didn’t get saved the first time I prayed, but I kept praying until, one day, in that little kitchen where I first heard the story of Jesus, God became real to me. I will never forget the joy that filled my heart! I said, “I am free, I am free! I have a new chance in life. I am just as pure as the day I was born!” I felt that wonderful purity, and from that day I have lived upright and have loved holiness.

I learned that God would sanctify me. I sought Him and He gave me that marvelous experience.

Then God opened the way for me and a friend to attend the camp meeting being held in Portland, Oregon. I thought, Now, surely, God will baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire. I had been sick and emaciated with tuberculosis hanging over my life for years, but I thought little about my healing. I had to have tuberculin injected into my arm twice a week. The diet and fresh-air treatment had failed. But as I came on that campground, I set my face to seek God. I just pushed my sickness aside and I sought God with all my heart. Ten days after I was on that campground, God baptized me with the Holy Ghost. Later, He wonderfully healed me and gave me perfect health!

It is my hope, my one aim, to be ready when Jesus returns, and I want to see others brought into this wonderful Gospel. I have everything to praise God for. There is such gratitude in my heart to know that I am a child of His. It is just the mercy of God that I ever heard the truth. He has put a purpose in my heart to see the end of this Christian race.