James Baker

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Many years ago, I bent my stubborn knees before God and asked Him to blot out my transgressions. I praise God for the depth of joy that He put into my soul over that decision.

My father was an agent for a brewery company in Minneapolis, Minnesota, so we used to have beer by the case in our home. I learned to drink beer at a very tender age—and also to smoke tobacco. I can remember standing up to the bar, at the age of about nine, with as mannish an attitude as I knew how.

Though my environment from my early youth was a sinful one, somehow God’s hand was upon my life; He spared me to see the day when He could persuade me to yield my life to Him.

After I grew up into manhood, I finished my education in the East in what was known at that time as the Carlisle Indian School. At the time, this school was known as the largest institution of its kind in this country. I was permitted to attend it, because I am of Indian descent and some of my ancestors were in this country a great many years before most others.

I was naturally athletically inclined, so I spent my time with the athletes and in the social activities of that institution. I could be found in the ballrooms—and in far more disgraceful places than that. I know what it is to play professional baseball. For awhile, I played first base for the team, the Carlisle Indians. My mind and heart ran after those things.

In the city of Fargo, North Dakota, God brought me to the end of my rope and to the realization that it was the last time He would call me. A disease had fastened itself to my lungs and I was so far gone that the doctors refused to send me to an institution for tuberculosis. God had plans for me, though. As far gone as I was, He undertook for me. One day a little paper printed by the Apostolic Faith Church fell into my hands. I read that Jesus was coming again, and that gave me hope. I began to pray to God, and He heard my prayers. He gave me the strength to get up off that deathbed. Then He led me to the people who could teach me how to pray. I got down on my knees among them and the tears flowed down my cheeks in genuine old-fashioned repentance. God saved my soul, and later, sanctified me and baptized me with the Holy Ghost. He also put me in the ministry. I praise Him for the fellowship of the Apostolic Faith people.