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2024 Fall Special Meetings

Portland fall special meetings began on Friday, October 4. Jaewon Yune played a violin solo for prelude, ending with a medley of songs about the love of the Jesus. There were a number of visitors present from branch churches near and far. Olulana Alofe, from East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, led the prayer after congregational singing. Dawn Boyce, from Dallas, Oregon, testified, telling how God changed her life when she was a college student. He spoke to her heart and she responded, asking Him to save her. God was faithful to lead her then, and has walked with her every day since. After more victorious testimonies, Michael McCarville sang last special, “Somebody’s Prayin.’”

Pete Sferle, from Sacramento, California, was the guest minister for the weekend. Friday night, he preached from Hebrews 11:5-6, talking about Enoch and his life of faith. Brother Pete pointed out that Genesis says Enoch’s walk with God began after his son Methuselah was born, and continued for many years until God took him. Since “all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years” (Genesis 5:23), it was a long walk! Day in and day out, Enoch was faithful, and Hebrews 11:5 says that he pleased God. Brother Pete challenged the congregation to be sure they had begun to walk with God and then to continue.

The Sunday morning service started with the orchestra playing “Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners.” After Superintendent General Sola Adesope welcomed the congregation, the orchestra continued with “Beautiful Savior,” followed by the choir singing “Song of the King.” Congregational singing included songs of worship, finishing with “Antiphonal Praise” sung acapella. After prayer and announcements, Sarah Asaya and Angela Lucescu sang a beautiful duet, “God, and God Alone,” and before the sermon the choir sang, “Father, We Adore Thee.”

Brother Pete read from Hebrews 4:14 and preached about Jesus, who is our High Priest. When God gave the Law to Moses, the role of the high priest was to represent God to the people and the people to God. He was the only one who could approach God in the Holy of Holies, and he could only do that at certain times. That role established in the Law pointed to Jesus, the Messiah, who would become the High Priest for all mankind. Brother Pete reminded the congregation that as High Priest, Jesus is accessible to each one at any time. He knows people individually and is touched by their burdens and cares. The listeners were encouraged to take advantage of their access to their High Priest, approaching Jesus boldly and with confidence.

Sunday evening, the orchestra began the service by playing upbeat pieces, ending with “I’ll Fly Away.” The choir joined them, singing “Right in the Middle.” After congregational singing, a youth octet sang “Let the Rocks Keep Silent.” Sam Asaya and Marcus Luka both testified, each telling of how God is answering prayer in their lives and encouraging them. For the last special, Randy Kaady sang “God’s Final Call.”

In the closing sermon, Brother Pete read from Acts1:12-14, which relates the instructions Jesus gave the disciples in preparation of receiving the Holy Spirit. The disciples followed those instructions and received what they had been promised: the gift of the Holy Ghost. Brother Pete told of the summer of 2001, when he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said that during a retreat that year, young people had been challenged to seek God, and they did. As they sought, they learned to say “yes” to whatever God asked of them, and subsequently many received their deeper experiences. Brother Pete encouraged the congregation to do the same, and they left the special meetings encouraged and inspired to continue seeking God.

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