The young people met on January 25 in the Fellowship Lodge for the monthly Youth Focus session. This month, the crowd of youth was so large that extra tables had to be brought out! The evening started off with a hearty meal brought by the amazing kitchen staff. They served delicious warm German pancakes with country-style potatoes, bacon, and an Orange Julius punch.
After dinner, the group played a fun game directed by Azaria Charles and Nikita Jones. The game was like the popular game “20 Questions.” Each table was a team, everyone on the team was given a slip of paper with the name of a Bible character on it. The object of the game was for teammates to guess each other's characters by asking yes or no questions. The first table with all their characters correctly identified won.
After the game there was a time for singing. Marcus Luka led several songs, including “I Will Call Upon the Lord,” “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” “V is for Victory,” and “Worthy Is the Lamb.” The message was brought by Ryan Erdmann. His text was from Revelations 1:3 and the focus of the message was the importance of God's Word. He encouraged the young people to start each day with reading the Word and also to bring their Bibles to church. He said every part of the Bible is applicable to young people today—there is an answer in the Bible to any issue or question one may have. Reading the Bible helps one better understand who God is and what He can do, and along with prayer, it is one of the most important things a believer can do to grow spiritually.
The evening ended with prayer, and there were some amazing victories won. One person was filled with the Holy Spirit and another was sanctified. Thank God for the blessing of Youth Focus!