Prelude: The Serenaders instrumental ensemble (pictured) played “Pass Me Not” and “I’ll Fly Away” to open the service. A young men’s quartet followed, singing “For Such a Time as This.”
Featured Testimonies: Roxie Rael, visiting from Los Angeles, shared how God continued to talk to her heart after about ten years of living the life of a hypocrite. He saved her in her apartment and set her free. Sam Ajayi said he is grateful God spoke to His heart and saved him almost forty-eight years ago and told him this is the church He wanted him to go to. Chet King expressed gratitude that he found Jesus many years ago and has enjoyed serving Him in the years since.
First Special: The choir sang “We’re Not Defeated.”
Last Special: Savannah Charles sang “Lamb of God.”
Sermon: Gary Riler read John 15:5-6 and spoke of Jesus’ love. He encouraged those present to share God's love with others by the way they live their lives and how they treat others.