Prelude: The young people’s orchestra played “Lord, I Need You” and “The Name of the Lord.” The choir followed, singing “He Reigns Forever.”
Featured Testimonies: Marcus Luka said he is thankful he is a Christian and that he is able to serve the Lord in different ways in the Gospel. Aaron Hoskin appreciated that Jesus never gave up on him and saved him, and for the prayers of his family. Harmony Hinkle shared how she was saved about six years ago and said that God has helped her with some stressful situations.
First Special: Marcus, Julianne, and Carter Luka sang “Voice of Truth.”
Last Special: Emmaline Baltzell sang “In Jesus’ Name.”
Sermon: Nick Segres Jr., pastor in Atlanta, Georgia (pictured), read Matthew 6:33, reminding the young people to seek God first and to do all God requires of them.