Prelude: The young people’s orchestra played “You Are My All in All” and “I’ve Been Changed.” The young people’s choir followed, singing “Great Is the Lord Almighty.”
Featured Testimonies: Susan Asaya said she appreciates that God gave her a promise that He will be with her no matter what comes her way. Sarah Asaya spoke of being saved at a youth camp and is grateful that God has helped her with her schooling. Josh Friesen (pictured) gave thanks that even though he is undeserving, God loves him.
First Special: Sarah, Sam, and Susan Asaya sang “Father of Lights.”
Last Special: Julia Moberg sang “Jesus, Strong and Kind.”
Sermon: Sola Omolayo, from Richmond, California, read Psalm 50:1-6, warning the young people that God is the Judge, and they need to be ready to give an account before Him when the time comes.