Prelude: The Serenaders played “What A Friend” and “Life’s Railway to Heaven.” Then Matt and Mikayla McCarville (pictured), accompanied by the Serenaders, sang “Thank You for the Valley.”
Featured Testimonies: Chris Luka rejoiced that God healed his body eleven months ago. He added that although the physical healing has been wonderful, the day Jesus saved him was even better. Carrie Elgin gave thanks for God helping her with work and during the recent passing of her grandmother. Hunter McCarville was thankful he can trust God with anything that comes his way.
First Special: The choir sang “I’ve Got a Feeling.”
Last Special: Joel McCarville played guitar and sang “I’m Standing on the Rock.”
Sermon: Ernest Akerejola, pastor in Sydney, Australia, read Luke 8:30, encouraging his listeners to come and sit at Jesus’ feet and let Him change their names from “sinner” to “saint."