Prelude: Carter Luka played “Be Thou My Vision” and “All Creatures of Our God and King” on the bassoon. The choir followed, singing “Redeemed! Medley.”
Featured Testimonies: Maya Nedelcu expressed praise that Jesus saved, sanctified, and baptized her, and that He is there as she makes plans for her future. Annika Ewers said she appreciates how Jesus has been with her in her recent move and with upcoming wedding plans, and she is thankful for the family of God. Kathy Buss rejoiced that God has healed her of cancer and is thankful she can say she is a Christian.
First Special: Chris and Jillian Luka sang “It’s Still the Cross."
Last Special: Sarah Asaya sang “O Love.”
Sermon: Randy Baltzell read Jude 3, speaking of the privilege it is to be a part of the Gospel and to stay in step with God so one can spread the Gospel and see God’s wonder-working power.