Prelude: The Portland junior orchestra played “I Will Serve Thee,” “Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You,” and “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise.” A combined primary/junior kids’ choir then sang “The Perfect 10.”
Featured Testimonies: Kimberly Joseph said she is thankful for the day she was saved and that Jesus answers prayer. Celine Naomi Ogbodo related that she is saved and that she can always trust God no matter what. Stella Adigun shared how God saw a confused little girl and came into heart and saved her, and she is thankful for healing and for a happy marriage.
First Special: A Worthington ladies’ group sang “Don’t Stop Prayin’.”
Last Special: Wayne Butler (pictured) sang “Daystar.”
Sermon: Dwight Baltzell read John 3:14-17, instructing his listeners on the doctrine of salvation and bringing out that full surrender leads to full victory.