Prelude: The young people’s orchestra played “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” and “Your Grace Is Enough.” The young people’s choir followed, singing “1000 Tongues (You Are Worthy).”
Featured Testimonies: Josh Budean (pictured) gave thanks for the gift of salvation and said that he knows God will help him with whatever he needs in the future. Mark Budean related that God has been drawing him closer this camp. Noah Mocan expressed appreciation for his Christian experiences and that God provides and sustains.
First Special: A Sacramento young men’s ensemble sang “Just A Closer Walk With Thee.”
Last Special: Maya Nedelcu sang “You Are My King.”
Sermon: Samson Jimaza, pastor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, read Isaiah 43:18-19 and reminded the young people that God has promised to give victory and He will do it.